Values for some settings are pulled from the low.Fallout 4 is also one of the first AAA titles to see an honest-to-goodness VR client, which got a lot of folks nice and happy and maybe even a few went out and spent money on some hardware to play.

Guide prepared to improve Fallout 4 performance, including mod list, ini settings, tweaks, minimods and installation instructions.iMaxFocusShadowsDialogue=4 iMaxFocusShadows=4 bForceIgnoreSmoothness=0 fBlendSplitDirShadow=48.ini in the same folder, and under '' add: bForceIgnoreSmoothness=1. Do you feel shortage of some options and features in Fallout 4? No worries, we have an exclusive offer for you – Fallout 4 Mods.The path most likely looks like C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonFallout Fallout 4 Ini Tweak Guide Courses › Best Online Courses From By default, these are located in: By default, these are located in: GeForce. 11 November, 2015 – Fionn GP Team Fallout 4 PC tweak guide.iSize W=1920 iSize H=1080 Sets Resolution (works only in Windowed Mode). Inside Pandora's Box There are three key files you need to find to make these tweaks. Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) Not Lore-Friendly. But if you want lots of nice things, including an unlocked frame rate, adjustable FOV, no mouse acceleration, ultra widescreen support and the There are three key files you need to find to make these tweaks. Assign a use to the middle mouse button, and adjust mouse sensitivity beyond Anime. I have put together a list of tweaks that I found when I managed to make the game dump the fallout4. Anyone can use this document, but I believe it will be most useful to budding mod users who may have been drawn to the PC version after experiencing a taste of what mods can do for Fallout 4 on console. Set number of particles - explosions, smoke and fire. bat file collections ready for cut & paste into notepad.

It is the fourth main game in the Fallout series and was released worldwide on November 10, 2015, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Once in Graphics options, click on VSync and turn the option off.